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Help - Settings

There are two setting windows and they allow you to change the voices plus the fonts for both the buttons and fields in a Scenario window. Changing the fonts is necessary for language localisation.


Voices / Nav Buttons / Fonts

For changing voices see the Help section on Voices.

The names of the Scenario navigation buttons can be changed by simply entering a new name in the field above the required button.

Both the font and font size of the Scenario navigation button can be changed using their respective popup menus. This is especially useful if you need to use a language other than English.

In a similar manner both the Scenario field font and font size can also be changed.



Voices / Nav buttons / Fonts Window

Quick Buttons

This settings window allows you to change the names and text contents of the Quick Buttons for every scenario.

Each Quick Button has both a display name(caption) plus a related block of text it can speak. Every Scenario window has its own independent set of Quick Buttons.

To change a Quick Button follow these steps:

  • Select the required Scenario via the Scenario popup menu.It has a small help ? button next to it.
  • In the text field above the desired Quick Button enter the button's new name.
  • In the field below the Quick Button enter the text you wish the button to speak.
  • Press the Quick Button to hear what the spoken text sounds like.




Quick Buttons Settings Window

TigaByte Software 2016

